Lake 69 Peru Guide: History, excursions, facts, maps, and tours

February 25, 2023

Lake 69 is a small, turquoise lagoon located in the Huascarán National Park, near the province of Yungay in the Ancash region of Peru. The lake is located at an altitude of 4600 meters above sea level and originates from the Chacraraju mountain in the Peruvian Andes. To access the lake, visitors must first reach the city of Huaraz, a popular tourist destination located 8 hours from Lima. From there, a 2-hour car ride takes visitors to the Chinancocha or Llanganuco lagoon, which serves as the entrance to the Huascarán National Park.

The park covers an area of 340,000 hectares and has an entrance fee of 30 soles (US$8) per foreign visitor and 15 soles (US$4) for national tourists. A 3-hour hike through beautiful trails and small rivers leads to the lake, which is the second most visited place in the Ancash region, receiving around 220,000 tourists annually.

In 1977, UNESCO designated Lake 69 as a Biosphere Reserve and a World Heritage Site in 1985. The lake can only be accessed by land, either through a tour service or by bus, car, or taxi. There are no hotels in the area as it is a protected area.

Lake 69 can be accessed through the cities of Lima or Trujillo; both are between 6 and 9 hours away by bus. There are no hotels in Lake 69 because it is a protected area, far from human intervention.

Lake 69 comes from the sixty-ninth lake found in Huaraz, among several hundred others located in the Cordillera Blanca. Lake 69 is formed by deglaciation, i.e., the retreat of glaciers due to global warming.

In 1977, UNESCO designated Lake 69 as a Biosphere Reserve; it was also named a World Heritage Site in 1985. 

According to data from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), Lake 69 is the second most visited place in the Ancash region, receiving some 220,000 tourists annually.

What is the history of Lake 69?

The Lagoon 69 and the Huascaran National park have a rich history dating back to prehistoric times. The Guitarrero Man once occupied the area, considered one of the world’s first farmers. The remains of this ancient settler were discovered in caves by American archaeologist Thomas Lynch in 1969, along with objects such as scrapers, knives, and a point. The Guitarrero Man lived around 11,000 B.C. and is one of Peru’s oldest known human presences.

In the pre-Inca period, various pre-Hispanic cultures, such as Chavin, Recuay, and Inca, developed in the area. The Chavin culture, which originated in the Ancash region, is known for its artistic expressions, such as stone sculptures and ceramic pieces, and its architecture and engineering knowledge.

The culture developed between 1000 B.C. and 100 A.D. and was the first major culture that unified the Andes. Some of the most notable discoveries of the Chavin culture include the “Lanzon monolithic” sculpture, a four-and-a-half-meter high anthropomorphic feline-like being with fangs, claws, and hair turned into snakes, and the Raimondi’s Stele.

This granite monolith represents the God of the Staff. Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello made these discoveries in 1919, and archaeologists and anthropologists John Rick and Antonio Raimondi.

Lake 69 is located in the upper part of the Llanganuco lagoons and is formed by deglaciation due to global warming. The lake has been a Biosphere Reserve since 1977 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985. The lake is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and boasts various flora and birds.

The lake is an essential part of Latin American history, as it is located near a sacred archaeological area known as the “cradle of prehistory.” It was formed by its proximity to glaciers and is far from the coast. The lake is inside a glacial zone representing almost 15% of the area of Huascarán National Park.

The park, which comprises 340,000 hectares, was created in 1975 under the government of President Juan Velasco Alvarado and included the provinces of Huaylas, Yungay, Carhuaz, Huaraz, and Pallasca. It is a protected natural area crucial for its hydrology and is home to numerous lakes, such as Lake 69.

What does Lake 69 mean?

The name “Lake 69” refers to the fact that it is the sixty-ninth lake to be counted in the Huascarán National Park. Several water features already had their names, like the Llanganuco and Orconcocha lakes. Still, Lake 69 is perhaps one of the most remarkable in terms of its significance and how it indicates how many other such lakes can be found in this region. More than 300 were eventually documented – a testament to how diverse and plentiful the natural resources are here. 

What civilization utilized Lake 69, and for what reasons?

The Chavin civilization was located near. Lake 69 and the current province of Yungay in the Ancash region. In this region, the first manifestations of ancient civilizations of Peru were developed, such as, for example, the existence of the Guitarrero Man, so called because he lived in a cave in Yungay, 2 km. North of Shupluy and 200 meters from the Santa River. 

U.S. archaeologist Thomas Lynch found evidence of life at the site, such as charcoal remains from campfires, crushers, and stone hammers. Lynch also found wooden and bone tools. The Guitarrero man is considered one of the first farmers in Peru.

Pre-Inca period: The civilization of the pre-Hispanic Chavín culture developed between 1200 BC to 400 BC in the Peruvian Andes, in the Callejón de Conchucos on one side of the Cordillera Blanca. 

Chavin is known for being a ceremonial and religious center; it also produced granite sculptures such as the nailed heads and the monolithic lanzon. Its stone works depicted jaguars, snakes, and condors. It was a society of warriors and religious, also of great architects for the buildings they left to honor the gods, such as the temple of Chavín de Huántar (900 – 500 B.C.). 

The Chavín obtained resources from the land, such as corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and quinoa. These foods were used for food and also for the development of trade. 

A farmer named Trinidad Alfaro discovered this culture in 1907, but the Peruvian archaeologist and anthropologist Julio C. Tello studied and investigated it in 1919. 

The Italian researcher and geologist Antonio Raimondi discovered the Chavin stela, representing an anthropomorphic divinity. Today it bears the name of Raimondi Stele in his honor for his great work as a Peruvian scholar.

The Chavin culture is the most distant pre-Columbian culture from the time of the Inca empire, together with the Caral civilization. For this reason, it is called the mother culture of the Andes. 

languana 69 Trip

What are the theories about the origin of Lake 69?

The origin of Lake 69 is a product of the deglaciation process in the Peruvian Andes due to global warming. It is an area that, due to its altitude of 4,600 meters above sea level, is free from the harmful intervention of man. 

What are the myths about Lake 69? 

Myth 1:

It is said that, in the Callejón de Huaylas, very close to Lake 69, the gods lived. The God Inti (sun) had a beautiful daughter named Huandoy, and her father planned to marry her to a god as powerful as himself. But in Yungay lived a brave young mortal called Huascaran, who quickly fell in love.

When the father god found out about the love between his daughter and Huascaran, he begged her to leave him, but her passion was enormous and deep. The supreme God Inti’s rage was immense, and he cursed them, condemning them to live apart forever.

He turned them both into two great granite mountains and covered them with snow to make their passion disappear. He placed a narrow and deep valley between the two mountains for them to be far away. The father raised the mountains so that the young men could see each other but could not touch each other. 

The lovers cried so much that they formed a blue lake drop by drop. This lake is called Llanganuco and is 3,400 meters above sea level. The mountains with names Huandoy and Huascaran have an altitude of more than 6,000 meters above sea level and are the highest in all of Peru.

Is Lake 69 important for the history of Peru?

Lake 69 is important for the history of Peru because it is in a protected, unique place surrounded by a landscape far from human intervention. 

In 1977, UNESCO named Lake 69 a Biosphere Reserve, a designation corresponding to places where harmony between man and his space is sought. This reserve promotes biodiversity conservation, cultural diversity, and socio-cultural and environmental systems. 

Lake 69 is inside Huascaran National Park, a place that has been a World Heritage Site for almost 40 years. Lake 69 is in the middle of a place with millenary archaeological histories, such as the Guitarrero man, one of the oldest manifestations of Peru, and the Chavin culture that dominated the arts of architecture and sculpture.

Where is Lake 69 located?

Lake 69 is located in the district of Yungay in the Ancash region northeast of the city of Lima, at a distance of 450 km. Lake 69 is fed by a waterfall from the snow-capped Chacraraju in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range. The lake is within the protected area of Huascaran National Park and is at an altitude of 4600 meters above sea level. On the way to Lake 69, you can see the Llanganuco lagoons, waterfalls, streams, and animals.

What are the coordinates of Lake 69?

The coordinates of lake 69 are 9°0′35″ S, 77°36′44″ W; in decimal: -9.009722°, -77.612222°. It also has a surface area of 97.8 m². Lake 69 is located 494 km from the city of Lima.

languana 69 Trip

What does the Lake 69 map look like?


Current map of Lake 69:

Laguna 69 Map

Map of the Cordillera Blanca in the 18th century:

Map of the Ancash region of the XIX century:

What is the geography of Lake 69 like?

Lake 69 presents diverse geography, such as:

Snow-capped mountains: Huascarán at 6746 meters above sea level on the south side; Chopicalqui at 6345 meters above sea level, Pisco at 5752 meters above sea level; 

Peaks: the four peaks of Huandoy, the highest at 6395 masl, Yanapaccha at 5460 masl, and Chacraraju at 6112 masl.

Lake 69 is part of the Cordillera Blanca, a tropical mountain range with more than 300 peaks with heights of over 6000 meters above sea level. This range is relatively easy to access, with a lot of beauty in its landscapes with large and numerous mountains. 

The Cordillera Blanca stops the humid winds coming from the Amazon. For this reason, the rains in the Cordillera are hefty, accumulating snow that forms glaciers on the western side. In the headwaters, the rivers of the Cordillera Central receive water from the ice melted by the snow and glaciers. 

The valleys have lakes of varying sizes of glacial origin where glacial meltwater is discharged; such is the case of lake 69. Then the melt water stops in the lakes, flowing down to some rivers of the Sierra and going to the “alleyways.” The water, the product of the rains, is used for human consumption and irrigation for the people living in the “callejones”; it also represents a tremendous agricultural activity despite the variety of the climate. 

Climate change threatens the existence of water, as there is a reduction of glaciers and water in the form of snow and ice. Warming causes increased melting and discharge of water, producing beautiful lakes such as Lake 69. 

Before reaching lake 69, you can see the rubble of Huascaran, produced by the devastating earthquake of 1970 that destroyed Yungay. Then, you see two blue lakes and a beautiful river. Then you will find a glacial valley in the form of a canyon and hanging valleys. 

Another fantastic view is the Huascaran, Chacraraju, Pisco, and Huandoy snow-capped peaks, the Kinzl glacier, a valley glacier closed by the earth, sand, and mud. The trail María Josefa is glimpsed to walk about 6 kilometers through a forest of quinuales, native trees that only develop at more than 5000 meters above sea level. After two hours, you reach Lake 69 with a closer view of the Chacraraju. 

Lake 69 is in the Cordillera Blanca, a chain of snow-capped mountains in the Ancash, northern Peru department, parallel to the western coast. It has an extension of almost 180 kilometers. It is located in the Huascaran National Park, which has 663 glaciers, 16 snow-capped peaks above 6,000 meters above sea level, and another 17 above 5,000 meters above sea level. In addition, it has more than 269 lagoons and 41 rivers that feed the Santa and Marañon rivers. The highest peak is the Huascarán, at 6768 meters above sea level. 

What is the geological profile of Lake 69?

The geological profile surrounding lagoon 69 is rocks with mineral particles of different sizes. Charcoal and lignite are organic solids that form large rocks from accumulated plant material composed of carbon and calcium carbonate sandstones. Mineral solids by solidification of cooled magma or by precipitation of other elements. There are also weathered residues, such as clay and accumulated sand, that form rocks.

There are also flattened surfaces due to tectonic movements; these surfaces are elevated and deformed, creating flat areas. In the Callejón de Huaylas, separated by faults in the center of the Cordillera Blanca, there are millions of years old tertiary rocks, mostly of volcanic origin. In the Callejón de Conchucos, these volcanic rocks are very few. The area surrounding Lake 69 has a great diversity of geological phenomena and land formations.

The Cordillera Blanca has important glacial valleys that show the presence of ice coverings during glacial periods. 

There are fascinating geological processes, such as, for example, the Batolito de la Cordillera Blanca, which is a rock mass of large dimensions which is born and located in the center of the western mountain range. The source of the batholith is 200 km long. Like most of these masses, it originated during the period of mountain formation.

In the case of the Cordillera Blanca, when the batholith was born, it generated large horizontal movements causing deformations and fractures. This is how the Cordillera Blanca was formed. The current height of the Cordillera Blanca resulted from a significant uplift (in the last million years), plus the global cooling that gradually formed several glaciations thousands of years ago. Its geomorphology, as observed today, is a product of these glaciations.

What are the nearby hiking trails in Lake 69?

There are three hiking routes to lake 69, and all routes must start from Huascaran National Park. The difference is transportation and costs:

Route 1: 

It can be done through a tour that picks up the tourist at his hotel. Then it heads north through the Callejón de Huaylas to Yungay. At this point, there is a detour to the Quebrada de Llanganuco. On the way, you can have a break for breakfast. Continuing about 15 minutes more, the tourist must check in at the Huascaran National Park.

After another 20 minutes, the lagoons of Chinancocha (female lagoon) and Orconcocha (male lagoon) appear. The transport arrives at Cebollapampa, the hike’s starting point at 3900 meters above sea level. There begins the road to lagoon 69 until the slope change; the ascent is presented in a zig-zag until you reach a small lagoon. 

The road continues through another plain to rest a little, to go to the last stretch towards lake 69. The final part also has a zig-zag slope that requires patience and perseverance. After 3 hours of ascent, the tourist will have arrived at lake 69. 

The tour allows you to stay one hour on the lake to appreciate the scenery. Then begins the descent until arriving back to Cebollapampa, where transportation awaits visitors to take them to the city of Huaraz.

Route 2: 

The second way to hike to Lake 69 is without hiring a tour service. The departure is from the city of Huaraz to Yungay in a collective car, and it is an hour’s drive to Yungay. With another collective vehicle, you go up to Cebollapampa in one hour and thirty minutes. On the way up is the Huascaran National Park, where you must register to pay the entrance fee.

The car leaves the tourist at a bend in the road, and from there begins the route that follows a fairly busy and manageable mountain trail. 

The degree of altitude can generate physical discomfort because it starts at 3900 meters above sea level and reaches 4600 meters above sea level. There are several streams and waterfalls where you can get water. It is recommended to disinfect the water with tablets.

After a 2 to 3-hour hike, you arrive at lake 69. The descent to Cebollapampa takes 2 hours. In some cases, the tourists decide to stay and camp in the place to visit other landscapes.

Route 3:

A third way to hike is a 28.5 km round trip route near Yungay in Ancash. It is a little-traveled route because the journey takes more than 12 hours. There are few people on the road, and you can explore lakes while observing the valley formed by mountains and snow-capped peaks of the Cordillera Blanca. The departure is in the camping area of the Quebrada de Llanganuco; from there, you go to the Demanda lagoon, then to lake 69, and then back to the base camp.

Hiking maps:

What is the proper clothing and equipment for climbing Lake 69?

The appropriate equipment and clothing to visit Lake 69 are few because it is only a one-day visit. You can bring snacks for energy on tour, such as nuts or light fruits, and you can eat something more substantial while enjoying the scenery for lunch. 

It is recommended that you carry plenty of water to prevent the soroche, 3 liters of water, toilet paper, sunblock, sunglasses, a hat, backpack, lemon candies to mitigate the effect of the altitude, as well as a camera or cell phone. 

Suitable clothing for exploring Lake 69 are waterproof or thin jackets and pants to avoid the wind or for sunset. Polo shirts and shorts may also be worn on mornings or sunny days. Climbing shoes or sneakers should be worn.

How many kilometers is the Lake 69 hike?

Six kilometers, one way, is the distance of the hike to Lake 69. It is a short hike but not an easy one. The elevation gain is quite steep – 800 meters – which may prove challenging at high altitudes and slow you down considerably. The trail usually takes three hours to reach the lake and two hours to get back to the parking lot. 

What is the best time to visit Lake 69?

The best time to visit Lake 69 is during the Andean summer, from May to September; during this period, the days are clearer. November to April is the rainy season, especially in the afternoons, since the mornings are cloudless. From January to March, the rains can last almost all day, which makes it difficult to hike and hike.

What is the climate like in Lake 69?

Lake 69 has a dry, temperate, semitropical climate; the daytime temperature is 16.6 degrees Celsius and 12.6 degrees at night. Rainfall occurs from November to March; in varying intensity and frequency, the rains can reach 28 mm of daily precipitation.

Where to stay in Lake 69?

There are no hotels or lodges on Lake 69 because it is a protected area. The closest ranch you can camp is on the road to Lake 69, such as Cebollapampa or Quebrada de Llanganuco. In Yungay, the starting point to Lake 69, there are lodges such as:

Tullpa Rumy offers lodging, a restaurant, free parking, a bar, and a garden. It has family rooms and a terrace. It has Wifi and room service. It has T.V., a garden view, and a private bathroom with continental or American breakfast. It has a cost of 215 soles or US$57 for two people.

  1. Alpamayo Casa Hotel has a restaurant, parking, fitness center, and bar. It has a shared lounge, garden, barbecue area, 24-hour front desk, shared kitchen, and currency exchange service. All rooms have cable T.V., a kettle, a shower, complimentary toiletries, and a closet. Rooms have private bathrooms, and some have a patio. The house hotel serves a continental and à la carte breakfast. It has rooms with a terrace and a car and bicycle rental service. The airport comandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani is nearby. The cost is around 350 soles or US$92.

The district of Caraz is also very close to Yungay, where you will find:

  1. The Apu Ecolodge with Wifi connection in all the facilities. It has a bar and a typical restaurant in the area, and it has parking. The rooms include a kitchen, private bathroom, living room, and dining room. The bungalows have cable T.V. and a private terrace overlooking the garden and mountains. It has a 24-hour reception and offers a currency exchange service, fishing, cycling, and hiking activities can also be arranged. In addition, the place provides rental cars, bicycles, and motorcycles. Common areas include a garden, terrace, lounge, children’s playground, and barbecue area. The cost starts at 190 soles or US$50.
  2. Los Alamos has an outdoor swimming pool, bar, shared lounge, and garden. It is 15 km from Huata and Huaripampa. It has views of the garden, terrace, 24-hour reception, and wifi service in all its facilities. The rooms have a desk, closet, patio overlooking the pool, private bathroom, T.V., bed linen, and towels. American breakfast is included every morning. Cycling is available. Car and bicycle rentals are available at the property. Los Alamos is 16 km from Yungay.

In Huaraz, there are also lodging options such as:

  1. Rivero apartment with a room for two guests, a queen bed, a bathroom with a jacuzzi and whirlpool, free parking, wifi service, kitchen, a washer, dryer, and a hair dryer. You can bring pets, and the price is 130 soles or $35 per night.
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What are the tours of Lake 69?

Below is a list of the different tours to lake 69.

1. Private tours are perfect for families and small groups who want a personalized experience, while group tours are great for those who want to meet new people and make friends. Private tours can be customized to suit your specific needs and can be tailored to cater to different fitness levels. For instance, the private tour itinerary can be customized to include the Chinancocha and Orconcocha lakes or can depart from Yungay, continue to Cebollapampa, and consists of a fantastic view of some of the most impressive mountains of the Cordillera, such as Chacraraju, Pisco, Yanapaccha, and Huascaran.

2. Group tours are led by experienced guides who will take you through the beautiful landscapes of Huaraz, including the Cordillera Blanca mountain range and the stunning turquoise waters of Lake 69. On these tours, you can take in the breathtaking views, snap some photos and take a break to rest, eat and relax. The tour cost is 67 soles or 18 dollars per person for Group tours and 120 USD for private tours; children and elders pay the same as adults. Lunch is not included in these tours but can be provided upon demand. 

What are the closest destinations to Lake 69?

The following is a list of the closest destinations near Lake 69:

  1. The Pastoruri snow-capped mountain is located in Huaraz at 5,240 meters above sea level, and numerous lakes can be seen along the way. Public transportation is limited.
  2. The Churup Lagoon is in Huaraz, the so-called Peruvian Switzerland, for its mountain roads, snow-capped peaks, and beautiful crystalline lagoons. The Churup Lagoon is located a few kilometers from Huaraz, 45 minutes by car, and at an altitude of 4,450 meters above sea level. 

The water of this lagoon has a unique color that, under the sunlight, can be visualized around seven colors, which is why it is called the Lagoon of the 7 Colors.

  1. The snow-capped Churup provides water to this beautiful lagoon. The peak is over 5490 meters above sea level, and the lagoon is below the glacier. On the hike, you will see the Churup stream with large Shaqsha and Cashan mountains. It is a very steep hike, the trail is demanding, you must climb steep rocks, and the weather is freezing.
  2. Parón Lagoon is the largest lagoon in Huascarán National Park. The place has excellent views from the road to the lagoon. The road takes 45 minutes, but at a high altitude. It is a freshwater lagoon with an area of 1,408,489 m2, at a distance of 32 km from the city of Huaraz, in the province of Huaylas, with an altitude of 4,185 meters above sea level.

In 2010, it was named Cultural Patrimony of the Nation to protect its landscape. The view from this lake is wonderful because you can see the snowy Piramide, Huandoy, Pisco, Chacraraju, Paria, and Artesonraju. Parón is about 4 hours by car from Huaraz. 

  1. The Changanuco lagoon of turquoise waters is a set of two bodies of water, Chinancocha and Orconcocha, in Huascaran National Park. The Llanganuco valley is surrounded by mountains like Huascaran, Huandoy, Pisco, Chacraraju, Yanapaccha, and Chopicalqui, at an altitude of 5700 m.a.s.l. and more than 6300 m.a.s.l.
  2. The Chinancocha Lagoon is a “female lagoon” and is the most visited; it is located in a snowy 6,768 meters above sea level, the highest mountain in Peru. On the other hand, the “male lagoon” Orconcocha is challenging to access, with a more elevated location. Both lagoons are located a few meters apart and have incredible biodiversity.
  3. The Callejón de Huaylas is located in the Ancash region, between the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra. The Santa River created the Callejón de Huaylas. It has an altitude of approximately 3000 meters and has 5000 km2. 
  4. Huascaran National Park is located in the northern Andes, a diverse place with great snow-capped mountains, hundreds of turquoise water lagoons, and the footprint of the pre-Inca culture.

How to get from Huascaran to Laguna 69?

Lagoon 69 is inside the Huascaran National Park. It starts with a hike of approximately 3 hours. On the route, you will find small rivers and beautiful trails surrounded by the Cordillera Blanca. In this landscape begins the ascent, finding other lagoons and waterfalls until you reach a plain where you will start another slope of 400 meters until you reach lagoon 69. In all this way you can practice trekking.

What should you know before going to Lake 69?

Below is a list of the most important things people should know before going to Lake 69.

  1. Altitude: Lake 69 is located at an altitude of 4,600 meters (15,091 feet) above sea level, so hikers should be aware of the potential effects of altitude sickness and take appropriate precautions, such as acclimatizing before the hike.
  2. Weather: The weather in the Andes can be unpredictable, so hikers should be prepared for various conditions, including cold temperatures, high winds, and rain.
  3. Physical fitness: The hike to Lake 69 is considered strenuous and requires a good level of physical fitness. Hikers should be prepared for a long, challenging hike with steep inclines and rocky terrain.
  4. Equipment: Hikers should bring appropriate gear, including warm clothing, sturdy hiking boots, a waterproof jacket, and a daypack with enough food and water to last the entire hike.
  5. Permits: A permit to hike to Lake 69 can be obtained from the local park office. Hikers should also be aware that the trail may be closed during certain times of the year due to snow or other weather conditions.
  6.  Have plenty of water and snacks with you and first-aid supplies in case of emergencies. 
  7. Bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat for protection from sun exposure throughout your journey – especially if it is a sunny day.
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What is the Lake 69 itinerary like?

The perfect itinerary for Lake 69 is the following;

  • Plan to wake up around 4:00 am and request a boxed breakfast from your hotel the night before.
  • Get picked by the tour operator between 4:30 am – 5:30 am, depending on the location of your hotel.
  • Go on a 3.5 -4 hour bus ride to the Lake 69 trailhead. You will make two stops, one for breakfast and another one; at the Llanganuco Lakes (Lake Chinancocha & Lake Orconcocha).
  • Arrive hiking at Laguna 69 around noon, take some time to enjoy lunch, and admire the landscape that surrounds them.
  • Start the way back. It takes approximately three hours to hike back and forth from Chinacocha campground to Laguna 69, with uphill sections becoming sharp descents on the return route; use of poles may be helpful in this regard hikers can become tired quickly due to fatigue caused by high altitude hike.
  • Get on the bus and head towards Huaraz city at 3 pm; bathroom breaks are available during return trips, but they are recommended to be taken before boarding the bus as the next opportunity may not be until reaching the destination hotel. 
  • Finish at Huaraz city around 6:00 pm. The bus will drop you off at your hotel; the time can vary depending on the location of your hotel and could be between 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm.

How much does it cost to visit Lake 69?

The cost of the visit ticket for Lake 69 is 30 soles (US$8) for foreigners and 12 soles (US$3) for Peruvian citizens, valid for one day of visit and including taxes. 

If the tourist wishes to visit for two or three days, the price is 60 soles or 16 dollars for foreigners and 30 soles (8 dollars) for Peruvians. 

If the visit lasts from 4 to 30 days, the cost is 150 soles or 40 dollars for foreigners and 75 soles or 20 dollars for Peruvian citizens. The value of the ticket represents the entrance fee to Huascaran National Park, which includes the visit to Lake 69 and other landscapes belonging to the Cordillera Blanca.

What is the best vehicle to visit Lake 69?

The best vehicle to visit Lake 69 is by land. There are no flights to the city of Huaraz, only buses with a price of 50 to 100 soles per person. 

The travel time from Lima to Huaraz is 9 hours. The only way to get directly to Lake 69 is by car, trekking, or hiking from the city of Huaraz. 

The tourist can choose between hiring a tour, a car, or going by bus to the entrance of Huascaran National Park and hiking. All possibilities cover a single day of activities. 

The tours have an approximate cost of 70 or 18 dollars, in addition to the entrance fee to Huascaran National Park, which is 30 or 8 dollars per person. If you want to go to Lake 69 on your own, the cost of the colectivos is 20 soles or US$6. The colectivos allow visitors to get to the National Park so they can start their hike. 

How many hours should a person spend on Lake 69?

Lake 69 can be reached in a few hours. It has zig-zag sections and several ascents along a trail that reaches up to 4600 meters above sea level, and Lake 69 is located there.

The time to access Lake 69 takes a whole day because it is within a mountain range that is one of the highest peaks in all of South America, as well as the snow-capped Huascaran, the highest mountain in Peru with 6768 m.a.s.l.; and among valleys, glaciers and other lagoons around it.

On the way, there are multiple views of mountains, waterfalls, streams, and various animals in their natural habitat. It takes almost 3 hours (the road is uphill in sections) to get to the lagoon and about 2 hours to return since the descent is more manageable. 

The tour day should start very early, at 5 am. The trail is 3 hours one way, so there are 6 hours of the day to walk for the departure and return. 

It should be considered the hours the visitor will stay at the lake and the different routes by a minibus representing more hours.

Another option is to arrive by car, you can also rent one, although it is more expensive for gasoline consumption and the road is at altitude and rocky road. First, arrive at Yungay and then at Cebollapampa, where you can start the trekking. You must take route 106, along the road and through the Llanganuco lagoons.

A total of 14 hours can be added from the city of Huaraz to Lake 69, including the stay in the lagoon, with the respective breaks until the return.

What is the closest city to Lake 69?

Lake 69 is within the Huascaran National Park in the province of Yungay in the department of Ancash. It is also surrounded by cities such as Recuay, Bolognesi, Pomabamba, Huari, Mariscal Luzuriaga, and Asuncion. 

Typically, the departure to the tour is from Huaraz. Another attractive city is Caraz, at 2270 meters above sea level, the snow-capped Pastoruri, the Llanganuco lagoon, and the Callejón de Huaylas. 

In prehistoric times in the Ancash region, the Guitarreros man developed, one of the oldest cultural manifestations of Peru and the first farmer. Then, this city was the cradle of the Chavin culture, great architects and sculptors of pre-Inca times, which makes the place quite attractive.

How is Lake 69’s past presented to visitors?

Lake 69 was formed due to the deglaciation process due to global warming. Lake 69 is part of the biosphere reserve, where a balance between man and his environment is sought. It is a space with an ecosystem of great value. 

It is also a world heritage site because it presents and makes known sites of cultural or natural relevance that are a common heritage of mankind. Also, it should be noted that Lake 69 is within a historical region as the presence of the Guitarrero man.

The Chavin culture has left numerous pieces of evidence that demonstrate its archaeological value, iconographic and in different sculptures such as the stele of Raimondi, the monolithic lanzon, the Tello obelisk, and the nailed heads, also 33 archaeological sites have been identified with manifestations of rock art, settlements, andenería systems, roads, cultivation terraces, chullpas, tombs, viewpoints, fortifications, irrigation canals, micro dams, among others, being the main ones: Auquispuquio, Cullicocha, Queshquepachan, Paccharuri, Quilcayhuanca, Nuevo Tambo, Cayesh, Pachacoto and a pre-Hispanic road from the district of Olleros to Chavin.

How is the conservation of Lake 69?

Lake 69 is in a good state of conservation without human intervention. This lake is within the Huascaran National Park; this place has been a protected area since the 70s. This protection facilitates the preservation of biological diversity and the biodiversity of its surroundings. 

The highest Andean snow-capped peak in Peru is the Huascaran, 6768 meters above sea level, an important place for nature. The place also presents threats such as the endangered northern Andean deer, the puma, the spectacled bear, and the mountain cat. There are more than 100 registered species, including the Andean condor and the giant hummingbird. There are also economic activities in Ancash, such as mining in the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra, which causes significant environmental damage in the area. 

Climate change in Ancash has seriously impacted the various ecosystems and biodiversity and altered the quality of life; the climate is changing, glaciers are receding, and, in some cases disappearing. Day by day, pests and eye and skin problems appear due to solar radiation and the existence of rodents, mosquitoes, and cockroaches in high-altitude areas due to tropicalization.

Is Lake 69 a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

No, Lake 69 is not  a UNESCO World Heritage Site even tough it is located within the Huascaran National Park.  Still, Lake 69 it is a site of immense natural relevance for all its visitors.

Is Lake 69 endangered?

Lake 69 is not in danger of extinction since the phenomenon of deglaciation, a product of global warming, feeds it. The state of conservation of its ecosystems is quite good; therefore, it is the center of the local economy. 

 Is training required to climb Lake 69?

Climbing to lake 69 requires time and patience. The road to Lake 69 is uphill, but it is manageable. It is an ideal route for hiking. The round trip is almost 14 km long and climbs nearly 800 meters, including some steep areas. Acclimatizing for two days in the city of Huaraz is recommended to better tolerate the altitude of 4600 m.a.s.l. of lake 69.

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